Published on by in Somnoforum . Edited


The thesis prize was awarded to Garin Antoine, for his thesis on premature infants in the context of the MODERN (Mesures Objectives des Dimensions Et des Résistances Nasales) study :

Objective Measures of Nasal Dimensions and Resistance of preterm or not preterm, a prospective cohort study.
We would like to thank our partner of the thesis prize Colin Medical.
Download the thesis on the following link : Thèse Primée Antoine Garin
In humans, the nasal organ is the gateway to the respiratory system. Under physiological conditions, respiration is exclusively nasal among newborns, as evidenced by the acute respiratory distress syndrome observed during a phase of nasal obstruction. Thus, the nasal cavities are a key determinant of the equation of respiration of the newborn.

The anatomy of nasal cavities among grownups and nasal respiratory functional exploration enabled us to broadly describe the physiology.

The main goal of this preliminary study was to compare the dimensions and resistance of the nasal cavities of preterm infants and term by adapting and developing measurement methods previously used and validated in adults : acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry.

If these methods of non-invasive measurements allow an accurate and simple description of the dimensions and resistance of the nasal cavities, they could help us better understand the nasal physiology of the newborn in general and especially the premature newborn.
Posted on January 25, 2016.